Upgrade your business with our innovative and diverse services.

Get ready to achieve excellence and success through our superior and innovative services. On our services page, we offer you a comprehensive range of services aimed at enhancing your business and achieving your goals. Whether you need to set up your new company, legal consulting services, commercial licensing, or even trademark registration, we are here to provide you with the appropriate solutions.

Company incorporatio

You must look for a specialized office with extensive experience and professional competence in achieving the requirements for establishing companies in Saudi Arabia while adhering to the relevant laws given the variety of forms of companies available for incorporation in the system of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as well as their various characteristics and conditions. SEMAH is the ideal choice for you if you want to start your own business but are unsure of the best legal entity for you or are searching for knowledgeable experts in the field of establishing companies. This is because we offer you comprehensive services that range from figuring out the type and scope of the work the company will do to helping it obtain its legal personality, capacity, and ability to start operations.

حلول شركة سمة | تأسيس الشركات
حلول شركة سمة | خدمات المستثمرين

Investor services

are seen by the Thought Foundation for Scientific and Practical Services as giving businesses services through proactive legal counsel and other legal solutions-based guidance. Along with granting a network. Additionally, it makes the following efforts to attract investors:

Services for the Ministry of Commerce

the Ministry of Commerce

حلول شركة سمة | خدمات وزارة التجارة
حلول شركة سمة | الاستشارات القانونية

Legal counsel

SEMAH gives businesses, financial institutions, and private individuals legal advice regarding all aspects of their business and legal procedures, as well as the creation and documentation of contracts and agreements. Here are some examples

Trademark Registration TM

The company's motto is "protecting our customers." We achieve this by taking the required steps to safeguard their enterprises, activities, and trade names from theft and exploitation by registering trademarks and documenting them with the Public Authority for Intellectual Property. The rise of e-commerce imposed essential requirements for expanding the consumer base, creating a wonderful opportunity to capitalize on this point. SEMAH's role here is to safeguard the business activity's proprietor from intruding on his scope of work. The significance of trademark registration in Saudi Arabia is as follows

حلول شركة سمة | تسجيل العلامات التجارية
حلول شركة سمة | أنواع التراخيص الأستثمارية

Types of investment licenses

Investment licenses differ depending on the activity. We will collaborate to select the best and most relevant option for the nature of your business.

Debt Collection

One of the most crucial procedures required for the execution of any company endeavor is the process of collecting unpaid debts. If the debt is paid in installments or another method that has been agreed upon, you will undoubtedly reach the stage of selling on account or granting credit while engaging in commercial activity. We have highly experienced and skilled attorneys and legal consultants in debt collection if you are unable to advance your project owing to your inability to recover your debts.

حلول شركة سمة | تحصيل الديون
حلول شركة سمة | صياغة العقود والأتفاقات الدولية

Contract and agreement drafting on a local and international scale

A highly skilled team drafts all types of agreements and contracts, whether in Arabic or English, as well as specialists in partnership contracts between the public and private sectors, which plays a critical role in providing real opportunities for the private sector to expand and implement major projects. Licensing individuals to provide advertising content through social media platforms: If you are a celebrity or provide content on social media and want to be protected by the law and operate legally, the Public Authority for Audiovisual Media now offers a license for individuals to provide advertising content through social media platforms

Licensing individuals to provide advertising content through social media platforms

If you are a celebrity or provide content on social media and want to be protected by the law and operate legally, the Public Authority for Audiovisual Media now offers a license for individuals to provide advertising content through social media platforms.

حلول شركة سمة | ترخيص تقديم الأفراد للمحتوى الإعلاني عبر منصات التواصل الإجتماعي
حلول شركة سمة | الوزارات و البوابات الحكومية

Ministries and government portals

If you have a lot of problems with the employment office, or those multiple government platforms; such as(mudad, muqeem, gosi.gov.sa, qiwa.sa, ndf.gov.sa, misa.gov.sa, portal.ca.gov.sa,balady.gov.sa, mim.gov.sa, niic.gov.sa, 998.gov.sa, fsc.org.sa) and many other necessary government platforms and windows. Whereas our team is highly capable of facilitating all of your daily tasks and providing a large number of jobs and financial expenses for your company. If you are a foreign investor who lacks access to and from government platforms; the Labor and Insurance Office cannot issue a general manager's visa; our solution is; our crew is distinguished and specialized in finishing and addressing labor office challenges.

Get a free consultation now.

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